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That black ugly fish means something different to each person who dreams about him! The question is what that fish means to this individual dreamer.

The fish is a threatening, frightening figure. The symbol combines the bark of a threatening dog with the appearance of a fish. Could it be a "dog-fish?" That is the name of a type of shark, which could be quite a threat. But this dogfish is contained within a tank, so the threat or danger is contained, under control. So the dreamer needs to put these descriptive elements together in order to determine what "threat" exists in real life that is ugly and aggressive, but contained within a system that keeps it under control.

Playing with the Dog/fish idea, there is a very nice -dark- beer with the "Dog Fish Head" label. The glass fish tank could easily represent the bottle containing the beer. Running with that interpretation, could the dreamer be enjoying that delicious beer so much that it is becoming a threat?

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Q: What does it mean to dream of a black ugly fish in a big tank barking at you?
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