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The bull is a powerful masculine image, and the fire emphasizes the sense of anger and danger. If the dreamer is a girl or woman, it could be a warning to get out of a toxic, potentially violent relationship.

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Bulls in dream most commonly represent instinctual behaviors. Such things as lust, desire, anger, or aggression. It could also pertain to "bullish" emotions, such as protectiveness, territoriality, strength, or stubbornness.

The fact that the bull's horn (a strong symbol of masculinity) is broken could be interpreted as restriction or denial of masculine traits or urges.

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Q: What does it mean to dream of a bull of fire?
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What doe sit mean when you dream about fire?

The fire is a symbol of your own emotion. It might illustrate your anger or your "burning" passion.

What does it mean when you dream about a bull?

To see a bull in your dream symbolizes stubbornness, strong will, strength, and power. The dream may be telling you that it is time to take a stand and be more assertive. Alternatively, the bull indicates a rich, prosperous, and abundant life. Consider also the metaphor, "being bull-headed". You need to learn to compromise in a situation. Or it could be a pun on something that is "bull", as in crap or worthless. Bulls are also symbolic of repressed sexual energies, fertility and virility. To see an untamed raging bull represents that your passions may be out of control. The bull may also represent a person in your life who is born under the Taurus sign. To dream that you are bathing in bull's blood represents immortality and eternal life. To dream that you are being chased by a black bull implies that you are refusing to acknowledge your own stubbornness. To see a steer in your dream refers to sexual contact or masculine energy. The steer may also be symbolic of several deities and gods. Or it may also be a pun on "steering" in the right direction.

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This dream seems to suggest that information you are studying or working on could cause you unexpected trouble.

What does it mean when you dream about fire chasing you?

In dreams, fire often represents anger. Chase dreams suggest that the dreamer is avoiding problems. Combining these symbols, this dream suggests that the dreamer is "running from" or denying his/her angry feelings.