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Both the moon and the koi have rich varieties of symbolic meaning, so the dreamer of this specific dream will need to discern how the metaphor in this dream applies to his/her life.

> Among other things, the koi represents determination and strength, particularly the ability to "go against the flow," that is, to maintain personal integrity even against popular opposition. In Japan, the koi is associated with masculine traits, and often appears during Boys Day celebrations.

> The moon is also viewed as a masculine force in Japanese mythology, in contrast to Western cultures that view the moon as feminine. Because the moon has no light of its own, but reflects only the light of the sun, it is considered subtle and tends to represent spiritual or mystical qualities.

> The image formed by the moon and koi seems to have a strong masculine force, combining subtlety and spirituality with determination and and strength. (That brings to mind the Asian Martial Arts.)

> The dreamer should keep in mind that any dream is specific to the dreamer, so the Asian or Japanese associations apply to this particular dream only in so far as the symbols are meaningful to this individual dreamer. If the Asian or Japanese associations are irrelevant, the moon would represent the Divine Feminine (Mother Nature) while the koi might denote fluid grace and beauty. The subtle mystical and spiritual qualities would remain.

> Other elements in the dream might be significant, such as whether the fish are swimming around the moon in a clockwise (positive, conventional, growing) direction or counterclockwise (negative, unconventional, diminishing.) The color of the koi, the moon's phase (full, waning, waxing) and the overall emotional tone of the dream should also be considered.

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Q: What does it mean to dream of koi fish swimming around the moon?
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