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Q: What does it mean to fall off a moving bus in a dream?
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An example of inertia that you could demonstrate?

Imagine that you are standing inside a stationary bus. Suddenly the bus starts moving and you fall backwards. This is due to the inertia of your body. When the bus was at rest, you were also at rest. When the bus started moving, your legs went with the floor of the bus due to friction. But the upper part of your body tends to continue in its state of rest (inertia of rest). As a result you fall backwards.

Why is it unsafe to jump out of moving bus?

its a matter of common sense. a moving object and speed would equal a nasty fall and lack of control when falling

What is the meaning of gradeability of 24percent in short chassis bus?

That mean the bus can move up 2.4m when moving 10m long

Why do passengers tend to fall sideways when the bus takes a sharp u turn?

this is called the centrifugal force.....and force of inertia... The direction the bus was travelling is passed to the passengers. If the bus turns or stops quickly the passenger continues in the direction the bus was moving. Newton Laws of Motion.

Who is fall out boy's bus driver?

The driver of Fall Out Boy's bus was Jeff Leonardo.

Why do dyou tend to fall backwards on a bus when it accelerates from rest?

It is because of Newtons first law of inertia. When the bus moves forward your body is inclined to stay in the same position, so it is as if the floor is moving out from under your feet.

When stopped behind a school bus you can not continue moving until?

Until the stop sign on the side of the bus is pressed to the bus and the red lights behind it are off and the bus is moving forward again.

What object requires more forced to stop the bus moving at 5 mph or a bike moving at 5 mph?

The bus, as there is a much larger moving mass.

Did Miranda Cosgrove fall off a tour bus?

No, Miranda Cosgrove do not fall off a tour bus. She just broke her ankle while she is in the bus.

A boy jumps out of a moving bus there is danger for him tofall towards the moving bus or away from bus or in the direction of motion or opposite to the direction of the motion?

In the direction of

You are walking toward the back of a bus that is moving forward with a constant velocity. Describe your motion relative to the bus and relative to a point on the ground?

Relative to the bus, you are moving towards the back. If your walking speed is slower than the speed of the moving bus (which it usually will be) then your motion relative to a point on the ground will be moving in the direction of the moving bus, but slower by the speed at which you are walking.

What will happen if you throw a ball upwards in a moving bus?

Relative to the person in the bus, the ball goes in a vertical line. To a person outside the moving bus it would go in a parabolic path.