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Q: What does it mean to find a black feather on doorstep?
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If finding a white feather means an angel or loved one is looking out for you what does it mean if you find a black feather on your doorstep?

It means a blackbird was in the area.

What does it mean to repeatedly find dead black widows on your doorstep?

that you should probably move. they're f-in black widows.

What does it mean to find lots of black and white feathers on the doorstep?

it means somebody put black and white feathers on your doorstep

What does it mean to find a black feather after someone has died?

it means its bad luck.

What does it mean to send someone a black feather?

Sending a black feather can mean a great many things. Sometimes sending someone a black feather can mean wishing death on them.

What does it mean to find a black feather at a grave?

It means that a black vulture passed flying over the tomb.

What does it mean to find insects in front of your doorstep?

i dont know (mabe they just like your doorstep).

What does it mean when a black feather falls from the sky?

A crow has lost a feather.

What does it mean to find a black feather by your car and a grey feather by your car?

Usually, both in modern times, and in times gone by, it means a bird has lost some feathers!

What does it mean to find a pigs head on your doorstep?

A pigs head on your doorstep is an ominous warning to the recipient. This means that somebody might want to hurt you.

What does it mean when you find a crow's feather?

When you find a crow feather, it represents good health and staying away from harsh cancers and diseases.

What does finding a black feather after someone has died mean?

bad stuff