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Q: What does it mean to have a god fortune?
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When people say "Godspeed," they are wishing someone a safe and prosperous journey or undertaking. It is an expression of good wishes for success and protection, often used when someone is embarking on a new adventure or endeavor.

Who is the roman god of fortune?

From my understanding, it is however a Roman goddess who is of fortune. Her name is Fortuna.

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Im not sure but bhagya means luck and Lakshmi is the name of Hindu god who is prayed for prosperity ( Fortune).

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Answer this question… Storytelling should be used to encourage people to live a religious lifestyle.

What does this mean Pagpalain ka ng Diyos?

It means "May God bless you" in Filipino. It is a common expression used to wish someone blessings and good fortune.

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erh fortune ? erh fortune ?

What do you mean by Have no good fortune?

Have no good fortune?Means to have BAD LUCK.

What is the ancient Greek god of good fortune called?


What is the analysis of the poem upon an honest man's fortune by John Fletcher?

"Upon an Honest Man's Fortune" is about the power of God versus belief in astrology and fortune-tellers.

What was Dion Fortune family motto?

Dion Fortune's family motto was "Deo non fortuna" which means "by God, not chance".

What does it mean when you dream of opening sky?

i think means a you will have good fortune then bad fortune.

What does it mean when you get the fortune out of a cookie with out breaking the cookie?

its when you have good fortune and it wasn't because of a cookie! :)