

What does it mean to pie someone?

Updated: 11/8/2022
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12y ago

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To get rid of them Eg. 'They've pie'd him' meaning he has lost his job etc Slang

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It means that someone is playing a joke on you. Pie is either a food or part of the explanation of the circumference of a circle, the others are metals.

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It means that someone likes pie SO much that they think it rocks. And it is worthy of being compared to socks. They also like how rox and sox rhyme.

What does mean the expression 'in pie'?

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What is meant by calling someone a pieface?

It means having a round face like a pie. Often this can mean that the person is overweight.

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Why is pie gross?

Pie is only gross if it's made by someone who doesn't know how to make pie. Find someone who makes a good pie and you may change your mind. There are so many different kinds of pie, that you should be able to find one to your liking.

How do you scare someone of?

Here's how you do it, -Eat pie -Eat more pie -Scare someone with your fatness -Threaten to eat them. The End. From, My Moon.

What does the word pie mean?

Pie is a fruity or sweet dessert.