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Q: What does it mean to say that the vertical velocity and horizontal velocity of a projectile are independent of each other?
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Does horizontal velocity effect the rate of vertical velocity?

No, horizontal velocity and vertical velocity are independent and have no effect on each other.

How is the horizontal component of velocity for a projectile affected by the vertical component?

The horizontal component of velocity for a projectile is not affected by the vertical component at all. Horizontal component is measured as xcos(theta) Vertical component is measured as xsin(theta) Whereas theta is the angle, and x is the magnitude, or initial speed.

What is a vertical projectile?

One that goes directly up - the velocity having no horizontal component.

What is the motion of objects moving in two dimensions under the influence of gravity a. horizontal velocity b. directrix c. vertical velocity d. projectile motion?

horizontal velocity

How does the unbalanced force of gravity affect the horizontal and vertical velocity of an object in projectile motions?

well...projectile motion is made of two different motions, or movements- horizontal movement and vertical movement so... i guess that it

How does the unbalanced force of gravity affect the horizontal and vertical velocity of an object in projectile motion?

well...projectile motion is made of two different motions, or movements- horizontal movement and vertical movement so... i guess that it

What is the magnitude of the velocity of a vertical projectile at its maximum height is equal to?

The horizontal component of a projectile's velocity doesn't change, until the projectile hits somethingor falls to the ground.The vertical component of a projectile's velocity becomes [9.8 meters per second downward] greatereach second. At the maximum height of its trajectory, the projectile's velocity is zero. That's the pointwhere the velocity transitions from upward to downward.

How does the unbalanced force of gravity affect the horizontal and vertical velocity of an object in projectile?

In the absence of air resistance, the force of gravity has no effect on the horizontal component of a projectile's velocity, and causes the vertical component of its velocity to increase by 9.8 meters (32.2 feet) per second downward for every second of its flight.

The horizontal and vertical components of a projectile's velocity are independent of each other what does this statement mean?

That means the if you change one you do not necessarily change the other. In the case of the projectile the vertical component is dependent on time (if it is a projectile near a large mass like the earth) gravity acts on it accelerating the projectile in a downward direction. The horizontal component remains the same during the entire flight (if we disregard air resistance and such things).

How fast is a projectile moving at the top of its trajectory?

The vertical velocity is 0. The horizontal velocity is constant during the entire trajectory (and may be zero).

Why does the vertical component of velocity for a projectile change with time where as the horizontal component of velocity doesn't?

Because gravity is acting on the vertical component, exerting a constant -9.8m/s2 worth of acceleration.

Which of these components of projectile motion is not influenced by gravity?

Horizontal and vertical components which need to be treated independently from each other when working out either the horizontal or vertical motion.