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The statement "work itself is gendered" means that our society has assigned a gender role to work; we consider that there is appropriate work for males, and appropriate work for females, as well as appropriate pay scales, appropriate working conditions, and so forth. We do not treat men and women equally at work. This is true to some degree, although it is not true to the same extent that it once was.

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Q: What does it mean to say that work itself is gendered?
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What do we mean when we say that motion is relative?

When considering how 'fast' something is moving on earth, you ignore the fact that the earth itself is rotating, that the earth is orbiting the sun, and that the solar system itself is moving through the universe. All you care about is the relative motion between the object, and the earth itself, or another object perhaps.

How the output work compares to the input work in a machine?

I would say that the output would be less. What would you think? Actually it matters what machine your talking about but hopefully ur output work would be more then your input work because that would mean the machine is doing more. This would mean its more efficent

How Energy Efficient is biomass?

Most of the time, biomass has a lot of work put into it. Most of the time, more work is put into growing the crops than the actual energy is received from the energy itself.

What determines when work is being done on an object?

work is scientifically defined by power. so we can conclude that work can be determined on an object by if it has energy, or inertia. for example say i pushed a box, i would be transferring my energy to the box, and using my power which would mean i am doing work to the box.

What does the science word conductor mean?

Conductor means something that conducts or allows to pass through itself. for eg. plastic is a bad conductor of heat. now that means heat won't pass through plastic but it would certainly burn. But on the contrary, metal like aluminium would let heat pass through itself without burning itself as a result, we say that aluminium is a good conductor of heat.

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