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This dream could have a number of possible meanings. The first is a normal part of the grief process. The subconscious mind may not fully accept the finality of death, and so produces dreams in which the deceased is still alive. A second possibility is that the dreamer misses the deceased very badly, so the subconscious mind produces a dream for the purpose of comfort and wish-fulfillment. A third possibility, assuming the grieving process is long past, is that something during the past day reminded the dreamer of the deceased. This reminder might be anything from visiting a restaurant one had visited with the deceased before their death, or hearing a piece of music or even encountering an odor associated with the deceased.

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10y ago

The dream does not predict any future tragedy. It only means that your relationship with this family member is changing. It is the old relationship, or the childish, immature relationship, that is ending or "dying," so that a new, more mature relationship can take its place.

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13y ago

When a dream portrays the death of a relative, it does not mean that anyone will actually die. Dreams produce literal images in the same way language uses dramatic phrases such as "it just killed me," or "I feel like I've been hit by a truck." We know the speaker was not actually hit by a truck. Dreams work in the same way.

Generally, people in dreams represent the dreamer, or an aspect of the dreamer's personality. For example, perhaps the person who dies in the dream is a joker, always teasing and making others laugh. The dream is telling the dreamer that their sense of humor is "dead," and that the dreamer needs to stop being so serious.

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14y ago

I think it mean that u miss them. they can't come back as far as I know but lots of weird stuff happens in dreams.

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Q: What does it mean to see a dead relative in dreams?
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This can mean many things. The letter could be from a relative that is allready dead, and this relative is trying to contact you. If it was a decent, friendly letter they may be trying too see if you are okay, and that you are still remembering them. If it is a very short sentenced letter, or may have threats in, this person may be wanting to take revenge. Another posibility may be that someone in your family, or close to you may shortly pass away, and their spirit is trying to contact you telling you not to be woried and they will allways look over you. The most comman posibility may be you just were having a bad dream, and it mean nothing. Maybe before you went to sleep you were thinking about a dead relative and letters. Or quite possibly you were thinking about a film of tv program to do with your dream. Dreams communicate through symbols and metaphors. Usually, death in dreams represents change; the end of one stage of life and the beginning of something new. This dream suggests that information from the past, specifically from something or someone who is no longer a part of your life, is going to create changes for you.

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