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Further information: i don't know what it means but my husband has a down syndrome brother and I've been seeing dreams of him like 4 times so far. i would love to know the meaning of this dream


Your dream only illustrates your own anxiety about the Down syndrome in your husband's family. The dreams do NOT give you dependable information as to whether or not your husband's children could have Down syndrome.

> Medical science actually understands quite a lot about the genetic defects that cause Down syndrome. The Wikipedia article attached below provides good information on these causes as well as explaining the tests that can determine whether or not any pregnancy is affected by Downs.

> The more information you gather and the better you understand the causes of Down Syndrome, the less anxiety you will have. Knowing the tests and other options that are available to you should also be very helpful .

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6mo ago

Dreams are highly subjective and can have various interpretations, so the meaning of seeing a baby with Down syndrome in a dream may differ for each individual. Generally, dreams involving babies often symbolize vulnerability, innocence, or new beginnings. Seeing a baby with Down syndrome might highlight the importance of acceptance, diversity, or embracing the unexpected in life. It's essential to consider personal feelings and experiences when interpreting dream symbolism.

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Q: What does it mean to see a down syndrome baby in your dream?
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If your newborn baby has only slightly slanted eyes -but is very active - could she have Down syndrome?

Just because a newborn baby has slightly slanted eyes does not mean that they have down syndrome. Doctors are able to diagnose down syndrome at birth.

Is high risk of Down syndrome mean that the baby has it?

No. Both the scan and the blood test just give a higher or lower risk of Down's syndrome based on your age. For a diagnosis you will have to have an amniocentesis. You need to talk with your doctor, a counsellor and your partner to work out your next step.

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The blood test screening for Down Syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities which is done at about 16 weeks of pregnancy offers you a 'risk assessment', not an absolute answer and there are many false positives. If you have a high risk of your baby having a chromosomal anomaly, you will be offered an amniocentesis which will give you a definite answer by finding chromosomes in the fluid around the baby.

If my man is 55 old and am 26 is the chens mi baby can have low sindroom?

One in 1,176. I am assuming that you mean Down Syndrome? There is usually a genetic predisposition to this disease- meaning its genetic and runs in DNA. If no one in your family or his has Down Syndrome or other types of mental retardation, etc then the chances are relatively zero that your baby will have Down Syndrome. Its not going to be based on your significant other's sperm...

Why is Down syndrome not always correctly detected in pregnancy tests?

Pregnancy screenings for Down syndrome have a 5-8% false positive rate (test comes back positive, but the baby does not have Down syndrome) and a 35-40% false negative rate (test is negative, but baby has Down syndrome). This is due to a number of different factors that the screening depends on, such as the mother's age and weight, the age of the fetus, etc. Since the tests results come back as risk factors- the chance that the baby will have Down syndrome, for example 1 out of 270- and there is usually an arbitrary cutoff, such as 1 in 250, where the test counts as a "positive", this is why sometimes it is not correct. The "positive" or "negative" depends on chance, and obviously a high chance the fetus has Down syndrome does not necessarily mean it does have it.

What is down syndrome mean?

Down syndrome, Down's syndrome, or trisomy 21 is a chromosomal disorder caused by the presence of all or part of an extra 21st chromosome. It is named after John Langdon Down, the British Doctor Who described the syndrome in 1866. The disorder was identified as a chromosome 21 trisomy by Jérôme Lejeune in 1959. The condition is characterized by a combination of major and minor differences in structure. Often Down syndrome is associated with some impairment of cognitive ability and physical growth as well as facial appearance. Down syndrome in a baby can be identified with amniocentesis during pregnancy or at birth.

Are children of Down Syndrome parents normal?

That would mean that the mother is the one with Down syndrome, since men with Down syndrome are sterile. There is a 50% chance that the child will have Down syndrome and 50% chance that child will be born without.

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No, there is a 30-40% chance of Down Syndrome when duodenal atresia is diagnosed.

What does it mean to dream of a newborn baby?

The dream could mean very different things, depending on the specifics of the baby, the context in which the dream occurs, and the way you felt during the dream. For example, dreaming of finding a newborn baby boy in a dumpster would mean something very different from dreaming of that same baby in a lacy white bassinet. If you happen to have such a dream while pregnant, it might reflect your desire for a baby boy - and in that case the dream has exactly 50% chance of being true.

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You are going to save a baby elephant ............. i think what every you dream of its the opposite.