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Q: What does it mean to throw a grenade down range?
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What is the Difference between a pineapple grenade and a frag grenade?

A frag grenade is a sphere shaped grenade and a pineapple grenade is narrow but some what wide, but there is no difference in explosions. I mean, one might go farther when you throw it but who knows.

What does fragging mean?

A shout to indicate that a fragmentation grenade has been thrown. like "fire in the hole"..

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To "chuck" means to throw - "chuck it down" would mean to throw something down.

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What does the Grenade window decal mean?

It means the driver is a Grenade?

What does it mean when a guy calls you a grenade?

it means your UGLY!

What does throw down a challenge mean?

It means to issue a challenge, usually in a very aggressive way, as if you are throwing down a gauntlet.

What does to get a spare or a strike mean?

remember, one turn consists of two throws. when you get a strike, that means that you knock down all of the pins in one throw, and one throw exactly. if you knock down all the pins on your first throw, you can't have another throw and your turn is over. when you get a spare, that means you took your two throws and knocked down ALL of the pins. for example, if you knock down four of the pins in your first throw and 6 pins on your next throw, you get a spare. but if you get 0 pins on your first throw and 10 pins on your second throw, that is also a spare, not a strike.

What does it mean when someone calls you a grenade?

it means their a looser, not the person who is being called one, the person whos saying it............. no one calls people grenade.

What does doused mean?

It means to soak or wet down, as in: "The firemen kept dousing the flames with water."

What does a grenade tattoo mean?

A hand grenade tattoo can symbolise having served in the military during a time of war or surviving as a civilian through a war. An exploding hand grenade is the symbol for having lost someone one in a war. An exploding hand grenade with a heart represents losing a loved one in a war.

What does it mean when guys say its the grenade whistle?

That saying is from the MTV show Jersey Show....When There Is And Ugly/Fat Chick In Presence They Sound A Horn and They Say Grenade Whistle!!