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The maggots symbolize something disgusting or repulsive. The dream suggests that a lot of nasty little problems are appearing where they were not expected. Compare the dream with the expression, "they're coming out of the woodwork."

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Q: What does it mean when I dream about maggots in my house on the floor?
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What does it mean if you dream about maggots in a family member's old house?

Maggots represent rot and decay, and most people react to maggots with revulsion and disgust. The family member's old house would symbolize that person's past, perhaps their family history. However, your dreams are about YOU, and your family member's family history is necessarily your own family history. This suggests that the dream expresses feelings of disgust and rejection that you feel toward something in your background, heritage or ancestry. By setting the dream in the context of another family member, your mind is (symbolically) distancing yourself from that history.

What does it mean to dream of maggots coming out of your chest?

it means you are eating too much chicken with your mud milkshake

What does it mean when you dream of having maggots in your hair?

The maggots in this dream symbolize a lot of little disgusting things. Having them in your hair associates these disgusting things with your mind or thoughts. All together, the image suggests that you a troubled by nasty thoughts or ideas.

What does it mean when you have maggots being stuck up your nose in a dream by an Indian man?

The dream represents disgust, possibly suggesting a disgusting smell. One possibility is that the dreamer feels disgusted by the smell of "Indian" food.

What does mean when dream about maggots coming out your toes?

Maggots represent rot, decay or filth. This dream suggests healing or the resolution of some nasty issue, because the maggots are coming out of your body. The resolution might involve physically moving or relocating, since the toes (feet) suggest travel or escape.

What does it mean when you lose a love one and dream that maggots are coming out of them?

Dreams of the deceased are normal during mourning, and can recur at any time. This particular dream, although disturbing, represents your subconscious mind's effort to accept the reality of your loss. By picturing the hard material reality of decomposition, represented by the maggots, your mind is trying to grasp the finality of death.

What does it mean to dream of maggots coming out of your head?

Dreams communicate through symbols, and they are often overly dramatic. Although the idea of maggots coming out of your head is horrible, those maggots are a symbol for something much less repulsive. The way to figure out your dream is to figure out what maggots represent: maggots are disgusting because they hatch from eggs laid by flies on rotten meat. In the dream, the maggots represent something coming out of your head: thoughts or ideas. So the message of the dream is that there are rotten ideas coming from your head. What have you been thinking about lately? What has influenced your recent thoughts? What is "rotten" about your reasoning? This is the type of question you need to ask yourself in order to understand your dream.Another answer:It seems dreaming of maggots represents fear of death or illness so perhaps you are afraid of a mental illness or tumor or something involving your head.

What does WIC mean in house floor plans?

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What does it mean when you have a dream about a house and on the 12th floor of that house theres ghost and all kinds of monsters. What if you bring you ex boyfriend up there and he gets killed?

in the Philippines, if you dreamt about someone killed in your dreams, it means that the person you dreamt about would live for a long time. :)

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What does your dream mean when you see your new house you are moving into was across the street from a cemetery?

it could mean that underneath your house is a barreal ground or it could mean nothing