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it basically means that they like you...

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Q: What does it mean when a boy flirts with you and your a girl?
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A girl who flirts with each and every boy?

A girl who flirts a lot probably just wants attention.

How do you know when a boy wants a girl to talk to him?

When he flirts with you, and walks by you.

What to do if a boy flirts with your girl?

tell on him and tell him leave my girlfriend alone.

What does it mean when a boy flirts with you?

they atre in love with u

How do you know when a boy gets turn on?

You know when a guy gets turned on when a girl flirts with you. If your a boy or a girl but boys love it when girls flirt with them.

What does it mean when a girl flirts with you seduvtively?

That she likes you and thinks you are hot.

What does it mean if a girl flirts with you a lot but the girl is just a big flirt?

She probably likes you.

How do you know a girl likes you when she flirts with another boy and you?

She is probably a big flirt...ask her if she likes you..

A boy you flirts with a boy and he flirts back but had a girlfriend is he gay?

Yes....he can's a possiablity

If a guy who doesnt usually flirt with a girl flirts with someone does that mean he likes the girl?


What does it mean if the girl you flirt with flirts back?

She's probably trying to fight you

What are the signs that a 14 year old boy is a player?

The signs are that he is with a different girl all the time and he flirts with everybody.