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Q: What does it mean when a canary sits on her eggs and then stops?
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What does it mean if a canary sits on her egg longer than needed to hatch?

Give it an extra 4 or 5 days past hatching date. Just like humans sometimes take longer to give birth, so too do bird eggs sometimes become overdue. If they have still not hatched, they're infertile.

How are bird eggs cared for?

the mama bird sits on the eggs to keep them warm

Why birds sits on their eggs?

Birds Sit on their eggs to keep them warm, and to hide and protect them from predetors.

Who sits on the ostriches eggs females or males?

the male or female

What will happen if a chicken sits on its eggs to long?

the chick will die

How does a ostrich raise its babies?

baby ostriches are born in a shallow hole which their father made in the sand and he sits on the eggs.The mother ostrich lays her eggs in front of the father ostrich then he pushes them under his warm body. He sits on the eggs from late afternoon untill early the next morning the mother sits on the eggs the rest of the day. When the eggs are hatched the parents take turns to look after their young.

Does only hen hatch egg?

Yes, only the hen sits on eggs.

What if a hen sits on eggs for more than a month?

the dang egg will die

What happens when a fly sits on red meat?

it poops, lays eggs, or eats

How does the process of brooding keep a bird's eggs warm?

The bird sits on the eggs and by using heat to keep them warm until they hatch

Who sits on robbin eggs mother or father?

Both mother and father cause when the father is fiding food the mother sits on the nest and when the mother is finding food for the baby bird or for herself the father sits on them.

When is a wresteler king of the ring?

Well if you mean when NOT why Then it is WHEN HE SITS ON THE THRONE Hope it Helped (: