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Its problaly been in the sun to long

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Q: What does it mean when a dogs head is really hot?
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Why is my dog's head hot to the touch?

When a dogs head is hot to the touch, it does not mean that a dog is ill. Like humans, a dog reacts to the temperature changes in the environment.

Is a home with no ac and 2 large dogs safe when it gets really hot?

No its not, as your dogs will turn into hot dogs.

What are really in hot dogs?

Meat from a PIG

Why do pleople eat dogs?

they say when you eat hot dogs its really dogs but its not its just meat from a cow

How are hot dogs hot?

They're cooked either on a grill or boiled. Therefore, they are hot. Grills are hot and boiling water is hot so, when you put things in/on them that thing gets hot. Why would you ever put that in this category? I mean really. Come on.

What does it mean to have a hot head?

Having a hot head typically means that someone is quick to anger or easily becomes agitated or frustrated. This term is often used to describe individuals who have a tendency to react impulsively or emotionally in situations that may not warrant such a strong reaction.

What does the idiom 'a hot head' mean?

The idiom "a hot head" refers to someone who is easily angered or quick to become upset or frustrated. It implies that the person has a tendency to react emotionally or impulsively in challenging situations.

Are hot dogs healthy?

Not really, no. (Not unless they are vegetarian "tofu pups.") Regular hot dogs are full of sodium, carcinogenic nitrates, and questionable cuts of meat.

Is it healthy enough for dogs to eat hot dogs?

Not really. A little piece here and there is ok, but hot dogs have too much sodium and other ingredients that aren't good for dogs, even though they seem to love them.

What does salchichas mean in English?

franks hot dogs sausages

What does Bacilio mean?

because he is really hot, smoking hot

What does los perritos calientes con la mayonesa mean?

I believe its hot dogs with mayonaise los perritos (little dogs) calientes (hot) a hot dog is a little dog :)