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This means it feels your negitivite and might happen to lightin up your day. It was a sigh that only you can answer.

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Q: What does it mean when a dragonfly comes to you during a time of sadness?
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What does it mean when a dragonfly shows up in your bedroom that is upstairs?

It means that theres a dragonfly in your bedroom.

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What does dragonfly mean?

the word ;"dragonfly"means to bring joy and light to people! ----

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Some rhyming words that mean short sadness are "blue" and "glue." They evoke a sense of melancholy or temporary feelings of sadness, usually in a simplistic manner.

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do u mean in the great dragonfly migration from the dragonfly zoo to AC? 16

When a dragonfly flying around you car what does that mean?

Many people believe that dragonflies symbolize good luck. If a dragonfly is flying around your car it could possibly mean good luck.

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Does the Dragonfly belong to the Dragon family?

Of course not- I mean I hate Dragons. The last dragon killed was by Cool buddy King No, a Dragonfly is an insect.

What does it mean when a dragonfly lands on a pregnant woman?

I am unsure how old this post is, but I stumbled upon it. When my mother was pregnant with me, a dragonfly landed on the back of her neck, and she swatted it off. When I was born, my birthmark was on the back of my neck in the shape of a dragonfly. If there is more from this experience I would love to know!