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It may be dry in the environment. If it's feet are raw or blistery, you need to change his bedding more because this could be urine scalding

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Q: What does it mean when a guinea pig has dry feet?
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Do you have to dry a guinea pig?


What does it mean when a guinea pig futters?

it depends on what you call it really it means when a guinea pig jumps on four feet some people call it popcorn

Do you have to dry a new born guinea pig?

no the mom guinea pig will lick and eat the outside of the newborn guinea pig and you will not half to dry it or anything, if you watch a hamster or guinea pig giving birth on youtube or something or any animal you will not half to dry it the mom does all the work. trust me.

What do you do if your guinea pig is socked?

if your guinea pig is socked help it dry with a towle and take it inside if it is outside.

What is a guinea pig popcorning mean?

It means the guinea pig feels happy.

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Does cloudy eyes mean that the guinea pig is sick?

Your Guinea pigs ears and feet are warmer than normal does that mean he's sick?

i think so .tack your guinea pig to the vet they will help you

How do you deal with a bad guinea pig?

By bad guinea pig do you mean it bites? A guinea pig will only bite if it feels threatened, scared or hurt.

What does it mean when a guinea pig rips fur off another guinea pig?

it's horny.

If a female guinea pig pees on a male guinea pig does that mean she is telling him to stay away?

I think

Your guinea pig gets poop on its feet What do you do?

Clean it off.

How long will it take for your new male guinea pig to mate with your female Guinea Pig?

you mean girl guinea pig? Right?!? Because if not, at LEAST two weeks.