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he either doesnt like you or he doesnt want to talk to you at the time or he wants to make you jealous.... and its working huh?

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Q: What does it mean when a guy doesnt talk to you but talks to every other girl?
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What does it mean when u like a guy and he supposedly likes another girl but he never talks to the other girl and always talks to u and when u and she are on chat he tells her he is busy and calls u?

it means hes trying to impress the other girl. he likes her but doesnt feel confident talking to her. trust me im a guy

When a girl says she likes you but she has another boyfriend she talks about What is that mean?

When a girl loves you she truly means it. When she talks about a boyffriend she doesnt like you. When she talks about a guy that is a friend it means she loves you and trusts you enough to talk about it with you without you getting hurt.

What do you do if you like a guy who is also a really good friend of yours but you know he doesnt like you back because he talks to you about this girl he likes but she doesnt like him back?

you get a life

What does it mean when a guy talks to you with a soft voice and maybe a little low but with his friends he talks loud and with his normal voice which is not soft voice Is he interested?

Talking to you with a softer voice may indicate that he is being more intimate and attentive towards you. However, his behavior with his friends could just reflect his comfort level and personality in different social settings. It's not necessarily a clear indicator of romantic interest, but it could suggest a certain level of respect or consideration towards you.

Say a guy likes a girl and the girl knows that he likes her and she likes him back but she feels as if he doesnt like her because he avoids her constatnly and never talks to her...what should she do?

When the boy avoids a girl that is one sign that he likes that girl or he just might not want to be near her or in contact that is a sign that he likes you but he doesn't like to be around you every second or minute

What does it mean when a guy has a girlfriend but talks to another girl sexually?

Teenage boys horemones are crazy , just because hes talking sexually with another girl doesnt mean he doesnt like you it just means that hes not ready to be in that relationship or he wants to experiment different things , dont sit back and let it hurt you speak up stand up for yourself talk to him about it ; anything a boy doesnt get from his girlfriend he will find in another girl but if he is going around with every girl for different things ; the boy is not even worth your time .

Why may a girl talk badly about a guy if she doesnt know him?

maybe her friends dont like him, and so to feel cool, she talks badly about him too

How guys know that a girl he likes may like him or she's a lez?

kay just cos a girl doesnt like a guy doesnt make her a lesbian, if she likes a guy she will smile when she talks to him, flirt with him, touch his arm. get close when she talks to him. look at him and look away first when he realizes she is looking at him. i think that you should put yourself out there and ask this girl if she wants to hang out with you. if she doesnt then you know she isn't interested. but if she does then slowly come around to the dating subject and see what shes says. you can only try (:

When is it called when a girl doesnt want her boyfriend to hug other girl?

Err jealously

What does it mean when you like a guy and he supposedly likes another girl but he never talks to the other girl and always talks to u and flirts with you all the time?

Maybe he feels shy about talking to the other girl whereas he feels comfortable with you because you are just a friend?

How do you keep a girl interested?

By being yourself and not having everything in common. You have to be a gentleman, so try not to be like every other guy she talks to every day. You have to be different and stand out from the rest. Most of all, [you need] confidence.

Why is it that this girl doesnt even acknowledge your friends even there when he talks to her?

Maybe she REALLY doesn't like him, or maybe there's something that happened previously that you don't know about.