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It is very unlikely that there is something wrong with your rabbit. Actually, buns pee orange/red for little reason. It could be because of the winter, something in the food or, at times, it's just a color. Even when you feed two buns the same food, one might pee orange while the other one doesn't. More information is available on
Rabbits' urine varies in color from clear to yellow to brown to bright red. This is usually not a cause for alarm unless there are additional signs, such as sitting and straining to urinate, loss of appetite or a temperature. When you see red urine, don't panic; just keep your eyes open for other signs that may indicate a problem.

The red color will usually be gone in a day or two but can last for a much longer time. Actual blood in the urine would look like urine with red specks. If you're in doubt, don't risk your bunny's health -- have your vet test for blood in the urine.

You can have 20 different rabbits in your barn and feed them all the same things. One rabbits pee could be a creamy yellow and the others a bright orange. It is just the different pigmentation factors in each individual animals kidney's.

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8y ago
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13y ago

No, there's no okay reason for a rabbit to have bloody urine. If your rabbit has blood in its urine, something is seriously wrong (e.g. uterine cancer, a bad infection, injury, bladder stone, ...), and it needs to see a special rabbit-savvy vet right away.

Normal rabbit urine does sometimes look reddish, and this is not a sign of blood. Rabbit urine can range in colour depending on hormones, stress levels, the foods they've eaten, how hydrated they are, the medications they're on, or even changes in the environment. Healthy rabbit urine can look clear, pale yellow, pale orange, bright reddish-orange, or bright brownish rusty red. The urine colour should vary: if it's constantly reddish, seek advice from a vet or experienced rabbit owners because a change in diet, habitat, or other aspects of care may be necessary, or something may be wrong. If your rabbit's urine is dark and smelly, that means it's dehydrated. Encourage water. If the condition continues, bring your rabbit to the vet. Dehydration can lead to GI stasis and other illnesses.

Blood in the urine will appear, if at all, in spots(often it isn't visible to the naked eye). If you're concerned, replace your rabbit's litter material with white towels, and look for red spots in the urine stains. (Cheap towels are often available at discount stores, dollar stores; just be sure to wash them first to remove any contaminants and take them away immediately if the rabbit tries to eat them -- or you can try putting them beneath some kind of temporary-only grid flooring in the litter box.)

If your rabbit is dribbling urine, or straining to urinate, or making signs of pain while urinating, bring it to the vet no matter what colour the urine.

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15y ago

First, it is normal that your bunny has yellow/orange pee to a certain point, it depends on what he eats and the nutrients to be excreted. But if you are sure there is blood in his urine, please consult a veterinarian : it might be a symptom of a more problematic illness and needs immediate medical attention.

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12y ago

A rabbit's urine can have a variety of colors. Sometimes it might appear as though there is blood in the urine when in fact it is just natural pigments. However, it is a good idea to check with a rabbit savvy vet if it is blood as this could be a sign of cancer or urinary tract infections.

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11y ago

If her urine is wholly red, ALL red color, then it's just her pee. But if her urine is, for example, yellow, and you see some blotches of red colored liquid among the yellow, then bring her to the vet immediately, and say, "I think my rabbit is urinating blood."

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14y ago

Sometimes it may appear that your rabbit has blood in it's urine when it actually doesn't. They need to have more water intake when this occurs. Electrolytes or jello (to flavor) can be put in their water to encourage greater intake.

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16y ago

Blood in the urine can be a sign of a bladder infection.

You need to take your rabbit to see a vet ASAP.

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12y ago

honestly i don't know but you should definitely take it to a vet because that's never a good sign

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14y ago

There is something wrong their intestines or bladder. Please go to a vet as soon as possible.

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Q: What does it mean when a rabbit's urine is red?
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