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there was LSD in your cheese burger o.O

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Q: What does it mean when a rook appears in front of you and looks straight at you?
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That means that he probably likes you.

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If you mean when he appears in the movie, he appears in the fish tank Nemo is thrown in. If you mean what he looks like, he is a brown blowfish, pricks all over his body, and blows up when he is angry.

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What does it mean if a boy looks straight ahead when he passes by you and never looks at you?

mostly the boy isn't paying you any attention; however, if he looks back after passing you then maybe he likes you because obviously he wanted to take a look

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If you say, "the car looks black" you mean it literally, that the car appears to have the colour black. The figurative expression "Things are looking black" means that the situation looks unfavourable or bad.

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It looks like an L, but, it is a one.

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Did your girlfriend look at you that way the first time you seen her ? See if she looks at woman that way also, then you will know the truth.

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Means he wants to make a move on you. He is super nervous though.

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