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Q: What does it mean when angel wings point up vs down?
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Is there a meaning to why some angel wings point up and why some point down?

Angel wings that point up represent God's angels, and those that point down represent fallen angels like Lucifer.

How do you get the angel wings for pixies on Free Realms?

By "Angel Wings" You mean Cupid wings. Those wings were only available in February during the Valentines Day Festival. ^^

What does it mean to be wrapped in angel wings?

To be protected.

What does it mean having wings growing out of your back and being very painful?

It means that you are a fairy or angel. If your wings are feathery, then you are an angel. It has happened to me.

What do upside down 'V' shaped scars mean on an angel?

I've heard it's from when God riped their wings of for their sin which sent them falling to Earth

What does a angel with her wings down mean?

Real angels are spiritual beings created by God. They do not have wings, because they have the ability to ascend. They are not limited by natural (physical) bodies like humans. They have supernatural (spiritual) bodies. Different kinds of bodies are explained in I Corinthians 15:35-44 of the bible. Animated angels have wings.

What does angel wings mean on a coat of arms?

my dick is hard and wet from jackin

What is clearance in It's a Wonderful Life?

Clarence is an angel who has not earned his wings yet. He is trying to earn his wings by doing a good deed for George Bailey and making him realize how precious his life is.

What is a duch angle dragon?

Dutch Angel Dragons are pretty much dragons except with those feathery wings. Search up Dutch Angel Dragon or Telephone the dutch angel dragon and you´ll see what I mean.

What does it mean when you dream someone give you wings?

It is very possible that this dream was influenced by the energy drink commercial promising that "Red Bull" will give you wings. The underlying meaning of the dream is that you long for freedom from your responsibilities and troubles.

What does a tattoo of a bird with the wings tied down mean?

Birds are meant to fly, so tying down their wings symbolizes a loss of freedom, being stuck or trapped in place, or having your abilities hidden or held down. It's a sad meaning, really.

What does it mean if a guy says you are my angel?

what does it mean for a guy says you are my angel