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They want to see your ear. They will look at it, examine it, and see if your ear is worth it. If they deem your ear worthy, they bite it off and eat it for dinner.

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Q: What does it mean when boys put your hair behind your ear?
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Witch side of ear do boys wear earrings?

either side. There isn't a meaning behind which ear.

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No, it means you have a tattoo behind your right ear. Grow up, man.

Why do Tahitian women wear flowers in their hair?

In Tahiti, how the flower is worn in the hair by women is a signal of their relationship status, known as "The Language of Flowers". Worn behind your right ear; you are single, available. Worn behind your left ear; you are married, engaged or otherwise taken. Worn behind both ears; you are married but still available. Worn backward behind your ear; you are available immediately.

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Cutting the mane behind the horse's ears is called trimming the bridle path.

What does a diamond tattoo behind ear mean?

It means you are trendy.

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you hate your date

Red bump behind your ear?

no red bump behind my ear. behind my ear it just sore

Black star behind the left ear mean?

The black star behind the left ear means you are a pornography star. See links below.

What does diamond tattoo behind ear mean?

It means something to who ever has it

What does star tattoos behind the ear mean?

nothing its just cute

What causes a knot behind the ear that differs in size form day to day?

I have gotten those on occasion and think they are from shampoo or hair products left behind the ear. I clean the area with alcohol and try to remember to rinse really well behind the ear. Fluid will sometimes come out of them and I push the rest out.