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Q: What does it mean when dreaming and I am leaping great distances which I am like flying?
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ALL aircraft fly in the Troposphere regardless of distance.

What is leaping?

Jump or spring a long way , to great height , or with great force

What are the reactions having a great time leaping across synapses?

The reactions having a great time leaping across synapses is not known well and people take estimates only.

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The honey bee had strong wings in comparison to other flying insects. They can fly great distances and their wings are sturdy.

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An African bush baby or galago is a prosimian primate, with its large round eyes and big ears. It is nocturnal, and mostly eats fruits and insects. It is capable of leaping great distances, it often appears to fly among the treetops.

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Anthony the Great is regarded as the master of the desert dreaming.

Some reactions are having a great time leaping across the synapses what are these reactions?

Me no no aswer

Some reactions are having a great time leaping across synapses. What are these reactions?

Me no no aswer

Why does giant flying squirrel have featherless skin between front and back legs?

Only birds have feathers; this feature never evolved in mammals, and squirrels are mammals. The extra skin in a flying squirrel functions as a glider; it catches the air and helps the squirrel to jump for great distances.

What is visible from great distances?

The stars.

Do airlines schedule shortest flight time?

Airlines try and schedule the shortest flying times/distances using the Great Circle method. Often, for operational and Air Traffic Control reasons they do not always do this.

When was Great War Flying Museum created?

Great War Flying Museum was created in 1970.