

What does it mean when my wife's mother is in my dream?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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7y ago

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unresolved issues about her

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Q: What does it mean when my wife's mother is in my dream?
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This dream reflects the dreamer's feelings about her mother. It seems that the dreamer might fear her mother does not trust her, or perhaps that her mother is overly eager for grandchildren.

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to dream of her is supposed to be really good but it all depends on how you saw your dream

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She is his wifes mother she is the god of grain or wheat

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This dream expresses your own sense of comfort and security. You feel confident and aware of your self-worth.

How do you sat grandma in norwegian?

Mother of your father = Farmor. Mother of your mother = Mormor. But you can use Bestemor for both. My mother is Bestemor to my kids (its more Gandma-like), but my wifes mother want to be called Mormor.

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zues had upto 300 mortal wifes

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You're gonna be proposed to!