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It is hard to say, it could be appendicitis, or a number of things.

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Q: What does it mean when one side of your tummy hurts?
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on the side of your tummy

What to if one side of throat hurts?

If it persists see a doctor

What does kprome mean?

To ly flat on tummy and put one leg and one arem in form of a "k"

What is a girl that hurts you for fun?

A bored one or just a mean one. Depends.

Why is your molly rubbing your sail fin mollies tummy?

It's hard to understand exactly what you mean. But if one Molly is rubbing the underside of another mollies' tummy then in all probabillty the one doing the rubbing is a male and it is trying to mate with the other one.

If your dog has a hard tummy does that mean that she is having pups?

its one of the symptoms but doesnt really mean she is if you ever think she might be pregnant get her to a vet asap

Is there two justin biebers?

well one justin has a pimple on the right side of his body on his tummy but the other pics he dosent have that pimple. WEIRD

What one fruit can give rabbits tummy upsets or tummy aches?

I Think Its Bananna.

What is a sursingle used for?

a surcingle is the fatening under te horses rug which you cross under their tummy!it stops the rug falling off one side!

What if your left jaw hurt you cant eat it hurts if you chew with your right jaw and it?

well both jaw lines are conected together so if one siide of your jaw hurts bad then expect your other side to hurt also

It hurts to walk on one place on your foot and it hurts to touch the same place does that mean it is broken?

You should get it checked out by a doctor, however it probably means that you have a little inflammation in the area that will go away over time.

How come only one hurts?

one WHat?