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It just means that they really like that picture and they want to 'own' it.

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Q: What does it mean when someone says I own to a picture on Facebook?
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Not really. Someone can be cute without liking them.

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it means you made them blush DUMBSH*T

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I don't know what you mean but I think you mean when you get an e-mail from facebook. Anyway I think it just says your friend has a birthday today or someone poked you and then it has the facebook logo so there are many things facebook emails you about. Hope this helped.

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W2 Means Word 2 Like When Someone Says Word , You Say Word Me To Or W2

How do you put a design on your facebook profile picture?

YES, there is an app on Facebook that's called pizap. Search it on Facebook an click were it says Pizap app.

How do you do the like sign on facebook chat?

In Facebook, you cannot "like" something someone says on a chat. However you may "like" something someone says on a post or comment :D

Can you make a picture you already uploaded on facebook your profile picture and keep the comments?

Yes you can just click the bit where it says make this my profile picture

What does it mean when it says Facebook user?

It means "one who uses and is a member of Facebook".