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Q: What does it mean when someone says come on now spit spot?
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What is llama spit?

Who cares? Llamas will not spit at you if you aren't mean to them and if you didn't do anything, that means someone else was abusing them! Their spit can either be saliva, grain, or cud! Hph...

Can someone's spit cause you harm?

If someone were to spit on your intact skin, then probably not. But if they were to spit into your open mouth, into an open wound, or into a mucous membrane like your eye, then if they were carrying a disease then it may be able to infect you.

How can you tell when someone is unconscious?

you spit in their mouth

Where did the phrase a spit and a holler come from and what does it mean?

It's from the US Appalachian Mountains -- it means "just a little way." Think of the distance you can spit and that you can "holler" or yell. A "holler" also means a small valley, so it could mean "just the next valley" as well.

when someone has a pulmonary embolism and is on eliquis and they spit up blood Does this mean the clot is breaking up or this a serious issue?

serious issue my friend

What cause the Arab spit?

Arabs typically spit if they are disgusted with someone's opinion or if they have too much saliva in their mouths.

Could someone elses spit on your lip make it into your mouth and give you hiv?

The answer would be no. If the person spit blood into your mouth and you had a sore then YES. Spit will not give you HIV.

What does prancer mean?

its means to spit

Are llamas real?

yes they live in Peru and around that area *they spit grass-spit at people who come to close to them*

What causes someone to throw up spit?

Convulsions in the stomach.

What if you spit on someone?

You get in trouble because that's rude and disgusting.

Does the spit come out of the bell of the trumpet or the the mouth piece?

It actually comes out the spit valve located on the pipe under the bell