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It's called "heat dumping" and it's a behavior that squirrels do to cool down their bodies when they are too hot.

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Q: What does it mean when squirrels lay down flat on their bellies?
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It means to lie down flat, not collapse. And it is spelled prostrate with an 'r' in it.

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You're probably thinking of tobogganing, which is when penguins slide on their bellies and chest.

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Down is the soft feathers of a bird, the ones under the stiff feathers. A duck is a waterfowl with a flat beak.

Are squirrels dangerous?

Squirrels are dangerous to a certain extent. They may bring some sicknesses and diseases to human beings which may be harmful.

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If you mean possessing by taking honey then probably. In you mean by making it then no.

What does a flat and a flat stand for when you play the recorder?

Not at all sure what you are asking, but if you are asking "What does two flats in the music mean?" it means that the key of the piece is either B flat or G minor. They both have the key signature of two flats. If there are 2 flat signs next to a singular note in the middle of the piece, it could mean that it is a double flat, and A double flat is the same as G, a double flat is 2 semitones down.

What is a squirrels environmental threats?

-Competition from other animals for food -Shortage of food resources through Winter -Adverse weather conditions

What are 8 kinds of squirrels?

if you mean family, all squirrels, chipmunks, woodchucks etc. belong to sciuridae in order rodentia, class mammalia etc.But im pretty sure you mean species. so although i could give you a list ill never be able to memorise all of them. this site will or should help you though

What does it mean when your computer shut down by it self and it cant turn on anymore?

the battery is flat so you have to charge it up.

How do you say squirls in spanish?

Did you mean squirrels? -las ardillas