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Q: What does it mean when the middle and ring fingers are the same size?
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What fingers are used in home keys?

The home keys are considered the middle row of characters on the keyboard, running from "a" on the left to the colon or semicolon key on the right. The pointer fingers align on the "f" and "j" keys, and the middle, ring and pinky fingers are also utilized on the same row of home keys.

Are Kim Bum and Kim so Eun have the same crown ring on their fingers?

Yes i have seen the ring on their finger the ring are the same.

'Are Kim Bum and Kim so Eun have the same crown ring on their fingers'?

yes! i saw it on a video they both have the same couple ring

Is a woman's ring finger longer then her index?

i think there both the same size :D I think the ring finger is longer, at least mine, my mom's and my sister's ring fingers are.

Do most people have the same sized ring finger on their right and left hands?

Most people have the same size left ring finger as there right but that is just the majority. I have seen people that were not able to wear there ring on both ring fingers and fit properly.

What was the questure that Katniss used in the hunger games?

She took her three middle fingers of her left hand and touched them to her mouth. Then she held out those same fingers to Rue.

How much bigger is the thumb ring size than the ring finger?

For me (a male), the size difference is 3 sizes. I know someone else (a female) who has a difference of 3 also. The thumb is about the same size as the index or middle fingers for most people, so if you have one of those, that's an even better estimate.

What does the three finger sign mean?

The three finger sign is often associated with the fictional gesture "The Mockingjay," which represents rebellion and solidarity in the Hunger Games series. It has also been used as a sign of protest in the real world by various groups to signify resistance and unity.

Are the fingerings on a bass guitar the same as on the cello?

The notes are all relatively in the same places, but the electric bass is on a much smaller scale and has frets, making fingerings generally easier. Also, bass guitar uses all four fingers independently (e.g. index on F, middle on Gb, ring on G, and pinky on Ab), while, because of the bigger scale, double bass only uses three fingers independently (e.g. index on F, middle on Gb, and pinky on G supported by ring finger)

Where the e note is located on the saxophone?

If you put fingers one, two, three (left pointer, left middle, and left ring fingers) and one and two (pointer and middle) on the other hand. To play a high E use the octave key ( the teardrop shaped key above the spot to put your left thumb) I play alto and am starting tenor so I am not sure if it is the same on all saxophones. Hope this Helps:)

What does it mean if you put the middle finger up in Islam?

It is not the middle finger.The hand fingers are called:thumbthe index finger (next to the thumb)the middle finger (in the middle)the ring finger (though this is customarily used for the left hand only)the "little finger" or the "pinkie" (the smallest and last finger)Usually, Muslims put the the index finger (next to the thumb) up when viewing a funeral and during praying as sign that Allah (or God in English and same God worshiped in Christianity and Judaism) is one and only one God with no partner.

Does it mean the same if a promise ring is made into a necklace?

no its not the same that means they hung it up