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the water vapour is cooled down to create water

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Q: What does it mean when water is condensed?
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Where does condensed water fall from?

Condensed water falls as rain from the clouds.

Where does condensed water fall?

Condensed water falls as rain from the clouds.

How do you get clean water from muddy water through evaporation?

The condensed water is cleaner because impurities are not evaporated.

What does dew mean?

Water droplets condensed from the air, usually at night, onto cool surfaces

How did condensed water vapor form the oceans?

It condensed water vapor to form the oceans by the Earth's vapor into the water.

What is condensed water droplets held suspended in the air?

What is the condensed water droplets in tha air

When does water condensed?

What does condense mean like if you reading a story and it asks you what does condense mean? What does condense mean like if you reading a story and it asks you what does condense mean?

What does percipitate mean?

Do you mean "precipitate"? If so, it means to rain.

What is condensed water vapor in the atmosphere called?

There are a number of names for condensed water vapor in the atmosphere: Mist, fog, clouds, rain, sleet, snow, hail are names for some of the types of condensed water vapor.

What is Condensed water vapour near the earth's surface called?

Condensed water vapor near the surface is referred to as precipitation. The condensed water vapor forms clouds and allows the water to return to the surface as rain, ice, sleet, or snow.

What is mean distilled water?

Distilled water is water that has been distilled, or put another way, water that has been turned to a vapor (steam), and then condensed back to liquid water. It is a means to purify the water.