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It means that there are going to be roads constructed near your house.

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Q: What does it mean when you are waiting for someone in a dream. Instead of showing up they call you on the phone?
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What does it mean when you're dreaming of someone you know and are talking with them sometime during the dream they leave or disappear and you can't find them?

The dream is not about this "someone you know." Instead, this someone represents yourself. Your own mind is showing you that you have lost track of a part of yourself.

What does it mean when you dream of a Voodoo Lady?

This dream suggests that instead of recognizing and dealing with the problems in your life, you tend to look for someone or something to blame, particularly something supernatural. This is a very common way of trying to remove responsibility from yourself. The dream is your mind's way of showing you that this sort of thinking is silly and useless.

What does it mean when you dream that you're being chased by someone and instead of letting yourself get caught you fling yourself off of a cliff instead?

This is a good example of the way dreams exaggerate everything. This dream illustrates the dreamer's not wanting to be caught by that particular person. Jumping off the cliff is an overly dramatic way of showing that the dreamer would prefer just about ANY fate to being caught.

What does it mean when you dream of someone you know showing you love?

The dream reflects your own emotions; it does not provide any supernatural insight into anyone else's feelings about you. The meaning of the dream also depends on who is showing love toward you. It might suggest that you want your parents or a teacher or coach to be proud of you and your achievements. But if the dream is about a romantic interest or someone on whom you have a crush, it only expresses your own desire to have that person return your affection. It does not predict the future in any way.

Finish the qoute Waiting for you is like waiting...?

Waiting for you is like waiting to see my dream come true.. or Waiting for rain in this drought. Useless and disappointing

What does it mean when i dream of someone that's already engaged marrying someone else?

The dream illustrates the dreamer's own emotions and hope that certain events will change. The dream could express the dreamer's own attraction to the "someone," and the hope that a competing relationship will end. Alternatively, the "someone" might represent somebody or something other than who they appear to be in the dream - for example, a dream showing the marriage of acquaintances from work might symbolize a contract that needs altered or a deal that might fall through at the last moment.

Are we alive or are we just someone's dream?

We are alive and not someone's dream, and that is why we dream too.

What is the difference between someone unconscious and someone sleeping?

someone sleeping can dream but someone unconsious can not dream.

What does it mean to dream of a mail box?

Finding letters in a postbox signify that you might be waiting for a response from someone dear or special to you via call, message or any medium but still you havent heard from that person. So you are getting a dream of finding a letter meaning that waiting for the call of that person.

Having a dream of being on a holiday in Thailand?

If you have a dream about a holiday in Thailand, you may be stressed. This dream could be showing you that you require a vacation.

When you dream about someone were they thinking about you and do they think what you dream about?

when you dream about someone, they fell asleep thinking about you. they dont always think about what you dream about though.

What is Cesar chavez dream?

Cesar Chavez's dream was to grow with kids and showing them how to fight 4 something they what!!!!!!!!