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Maybe you need to lay off the unhealthy foods...

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Q: What does it mean when you dream a giant bevarage is chasing you?
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What does a dream of 5 bears chasing you mean?

When anything is chasing you in a dream it usually means that you are under some stress in work, school, or relationships.

What do chasing your dream mean?

chasing your dreams means pursuing a dream, doing what it takes to acheive it, being determined and really wanting to achieve it. :)

What does it mean to dream about a hippo chasing you?

it means you should buy a hippo

What does it mean when your chasing the boy you love in you dream?

From the phrasing of the question, this sounds like a one-way affection. The dream illustrates the uselessness of chasing after someone who does not feel the same attraction.

What does a dream mean when a toad is chasing you?

Your "Princess and the Frog". Love, Oliver

What does it mean if you dream that loads of hamsters are chasing an biting you?

it means hamsters hate you

What does my dream mean when I am chasing my child but can't catch him?

It means you need to run faster.

What does chasing the dream hare mean?

A dream animal of any sort doesn't really exist, so if you're chasing one, you're off on a fruitless quest. In America, we say "off on a wild goose chase."

What does a dream about a rabbit chasing you mean?

Probably nothing people have dreams like that all the time and they dont mean anything. One time I had a dream that i had a man voice. It doesnt mean anything.

Black dog chasing in dream what does it mean?

This dream suggests that the dreamer is running away from trouble. If this is a recurring dream, it indicates that the dreamer is avoiding a problem in real life. It is time to stop running away and face the difficulty directly so it can be resolved. ---- It means that bad luck is chasing you.

What does a dream mean if you are having people chasing you and they want to hurt you?

This dream suggests that the dreamer has tried to avoid dealing with a problem that could result in painful personal consequences.

What does my dream mean if you dreamed that someone was chasing me?

A dream about being chased means your subconscious is trying to tell your conscious mind that you are running away from something in your life. Trying to identify the chaser will help translate the meaning of the dream