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There are many theories and beliefs about dreaming and dreams dating back centuries if not further (see Joseph's dreams in the Bible). My perspective is that of a trained psychoanalyst of the interpersonal perspective. While I can't speak for other therapists, my own theory is that the best approach is to think of dreams as symbolically or metaphorically expressing through the unconscious issues that we don't wish to, or don't have time to think about during our waking ours. That doesn't mean that we should take each dream literally either. Another words a dream about sex, might be about sex, or it might not. If you're in therapy or analysis, the value of the dream emerges from the telling of the dream, first literally stating everything you remember about the dream to the analyst; and the "free-associating" or just letting your mind wander on (and off) about the dream: the thoughts, feelings, cast of characters, mood, circumstances, colors, whatever, that are part of the dream as you remember it. Also, at some point your therapist should also be asking you (or if your not in therapy, ask yourself) what occurs to you about the day before the dream occurred (called the "dream day"). Sometimes there are clues stemming from what you choose to remember from "yesterday"; or what pains you, or makes you happy, sad, weirded out, angered, etc. about some memory of yesterday.

Finally what you arrive at is not "the truth", but your truth about the dream. The dream is not a 'place' or a goal, but a journey where you , metaphorically speaking, are looking out the window of your inner world and watching your inner world pass by and convey inner truths and realities to you.

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Q: What does it mean when you dream about having bad sex?
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its juat a dream It could mean that something bad is goin to happen or that she is hidning something from you... i had a dream my friend was having sex in MY BED with Russel howard... the was saying "just one min... nearly at the orgasm now!" ahh the strange dreams peope have huh?

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our mind is very complicated dream can go good or bad for example when you have a hot wet dream of having sex your body responds to it & you feel hot & you orgasim in reality . But if you are having a bad dream like you are falling from sky & hit the ground & get killed your brain goes in shock for a moment and it restart itself . It all depends how deep you are in sleep.

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no its not because i dream of it a lot and i want to do it with my naxt door neibour x

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No itmeans you dream about sex or someone you like

Is the bad girls club a bad show to watch?

Yes, it bad and there is sex and girls having sex with each other

What is mean when you dream about sex?

I means that you have hormones flowing into your bloodstream day and night that influence you body and brain toward having sex, and populating world. Given that, it would be expected to have dreams of sex. 100% normal, by the way.

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The dream may not have anything to do with your ex at all. Being kissed on the neck is extremely sensual, and may be nothing more than a pleasant sex dream. Your sleeping mind might still associate pleasant sex with your ex, and so used that image in this dream. The dream provides no insight into your ex's thoughts or feelings.

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Dreams are not future predictors. All it means is that maybe you have a sexual attraction to her.

What does it mean if a boy kisses your neck in your dream?

It doesnt mean's just a dream. Or it could mean you really want to have sex.