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This dream is about risky behavior. Unless you judge your actions quite carefully, you could very easily exceed the area of safety.

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Q: What does it mean when you dream about jumping into a pool with a very small deep end?
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What does jumping in the deep end mean?

To "go off the deep end" or to "jump off the deep end" means to act irrationally or to overreact. It is an analogy to the dangers of jumping into the deep end of a swimming pool without knowing how to swim.

What does it mean when you dream of a young lady jumping in your car and a guy right after her?

You have a fear of heights.

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that means that your not trying to get blown up with it

What does it mean to jump off a pier with your sister in a dream?

As stated, this dream could have a number of different meanings. The "sister" could represent an aspect of the dreamer's own personality. If the dreamer is also female, then the sister is almost certainly a part of the Self. Jumping off the pier might suggest becoming deeply involved in some activity, organization or commitment. The dream is similar to the expression, "Jumping in with both feet," or "getting in too deep."

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Not all dreams have deep significance. A dream of hanging out with friends represents the relaxation and pleasure of hanging out with friends.

If you had a dream that your boyfriend left you for his ex what does that mean?

it means deep down inside you don't trust him.

What does it mean to dream about jumping into water?

Water can represent life, and particularly the difficulties in life. So maybe you are confident and ready to take on life's problems. Maybe you just took on more responsibilities, or you are considering such. Swimming represents power and freedom, while drowning would represent difficulties and failure. Jumping into the water can sometimes mean escaping a bad situation and plunging into uncertainty.

What does it mean when you dream you jump in water with a barracuda waiting?

The water represents a situation or relationship that the dreamer has (or is about to) enter. The barracuda represents serious danger. So this dream could be the subconscious mind's way of alerting the dreamer to be cautious before "jumping" into a commitment. The dreamer might want to examine the situation very carefully and thoroughly before getting in "too deep."

What does it mean to dream of finding 3 wooden large boxes in a deep hole of your kitchen floor?

you were dreaming

What does it mean when you dream of the boy you like?

It means you have deep feelinqs for him :) If you two are datinq, that means he misses you :D

What does it mean when you dream of jumping snakes?

The snakes are symbols for problems that worry you. By using the image of jumping snakes, your unconscious mind, which produces your dreams, shows that you feel as if thes problems are totally unpredictable and could drop on you out of anywhere.

What does it mean when you dream about your boyfriend always being mean or cheating?

The dream expresses your own deep emotions. It is very possible that you have been in denial about your boyfriend's unacceptible behavior, and that your own mind is using this dream to nudge you into admitting that the relationship needs to change.