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You're a lesbian and your husband doesn't satisfy you enough

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Q: What does it mean when you dream about your husband's ex girfriend?
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What does it mean when you dream about your husbands ex-wife and she wants to marry you and you are not interested?

you are having a bad dream, that is all that is , a very bad dream

Why do i dream about my ex and his girfriend every night?

These dreams suggest that the dreamer continues to hold an emotional attachment to the ex.

What does this mean La Ex Novia Parece Differente?

the ex girfriend looks different

What does it mean when you dream of ex husbands?

It means that they were a part of your life and so remain in your memory banks to be brought out occasionally in dreams.

What does it mean if a boy asks his ex-girfriend's mother about her?

He could still care about her.

What does it mean when your ex husbands dad who is dead came to you in a dream and said to get back with your ex?

It means you had a dream. The guy's your ex- for a reason, and no dream is going to change any of that. Even if there were some supernatural reason for this dream (which I think is an utter load of nonsense, but I'll play along), what guarantee is there that your ex's dad is right? None. Whatsoever.

When you see somebody in your dream frequently what does that?

what does it mean when you dream about your ex

Why does an ex-girfriend notshow interest in getting back to her ex-boyfriend?

Because she may not like him.

Why did you have a dream that you were friends with your ex husbands girlfriend?

I don't know ask someone else i really don't care about your problems

What does it mean when you dream of your ex sleeping?

When you dream of your ex sleeping it could mean something but most likely it is just a dream , unless you want your ex back, then it is most likely you aren't over him/ her.

What is the meaning x girl friend?

ex is the meaning of something past,so it would mean your past girlfriend,as in use to be your girfriend but not anymore

Does it mean that your ex still thinks about you if you had a dream about him?
