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Dreaming of death by getting run over by a car does not forecast an actual death. It is a symbol for being overwhelmed by something beyond the dreamer's control. The danger could be work, a school assignment, a problem at home, or just about anything that comes at you without warning and leaves you feeling overwhelmed. Dreams produce literal images in the same way language uses dramatic phrases such as "she bowled me over," "I feel like I've been hit by a truck," and "he just ran right over me." We know the speaker was not actually hit by a truck. Dreams work in the same way.

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Dreams often use metaphors and word play. This dream suggests that the dreamer feels overpowered and discounted by someone or something that is reckless and irresponsible.

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Q: What does it mean when you dream of being run over?
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What does it mean to dream to be ran over?

This dream is using the idea of being "run over" as a metaphor for something else. For example, perhaps a neighbor promised to "run over" for a visit soon, or maybe the water in the sink "ran over." The subconscious mind could present these expressions literally in the dream. Alternatively, the dream might express your feeling overwhelmed or crushed by a sudden big assignment or unmanageable task.

What does it mean when you run on the spot in a dream?

It means that you are doing good on that certain dream.

What does it mean to run over someone in your dream?

Dreams often take familiar phrases or expressions and portray them literally. This dream resembles the expression, "I feel like I've been run over by a truck!" or perhaps, "She just ran rough-shod over him!" This dream seems to be an attempt by the dreamer's subconscious mind (the soul) to say that someone has been mistreated by the dreamer. The dream is telling the dreamer a story about him/her self, saying, "Look what you just did!"

What does it mean when you dream of a boy underneath a car?

This dream is difficult to interpret without further information. A boy might be underneath a car because he had been run over, or he might be repairing the car.

What does it mean when you dream your friend gets run over but not killed?

The friend in this dream represents the dreamer's own self. The dream suggests that the dreamer has been hurt - probably emotionally hurt. The message of this dream is that the dreamer has been fortunate because the situation (injury) could have been much worse.

What does my dream mean when I am chasing my child but can't catch him?

It means you need to run faster.

What does to run over someone's cat mean?

To "run over" means to hit with an automobile -- usually if you run over an animal, it will die.

What does it mean to dream of hitting an invisible wall?

The walls in your dream are a literal picture of the figurative expression, "we've run into a wall." That means that your efforts to make progress have run up against an obstruction or difficulty. The dream reflects your feeling of frustration.

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Being on the lam means being on the run.

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This dream is a message from your own mind that you need to calm down and stop letting your emotions run away with you over minor things. Both your children in the dream and the panicked people running around represent yourself. In real life, you need to take a break from whatever is distracting you and determine what is really important to you. Then focus on that.

What does it mean to the rise over run when the slope is an integer?

The slope can be remembered as "rise over run". When the slope is an integer, it means that the rise over run is positive.

What does it mean if you dream your boyfriend hits you?

sometimes dreams are dreams but sometimes they are signs so if it comes true RUN!!