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The image in this dream is somewhat ambiguous. Black snakes (in North America) tend to be harmless, while rattlesnakes are quite dangerous. So the dream might reflect your own negative associations with anything "black," exaggerating the feeling of danger in this dream. More importantly, the dream expresses your fear of attack, rather than predicting any actual attack. All together, this dream suggests that you are unnecessarily fearful of something that is not as dangerous as you think it could be.

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Q: What does it mean when you dream of black rattlesnakes attacking you in the dream?
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What does it mean when dream about dogs attacking?

The brain is processing many data streams and some get processed in parallel and cause fun, weird. frightening or pleasant sensations. They do not mean anything.AnswerAs this is the Dream Interpretation category, here is an interpretation of the dream: The attacking dogs represent someone or something feared by the dreamer. It does not necessarily refer to a physical attack but could be a recent (or expected) confrontation with someone who makes "biting" comments and has the potential to cause the dreamer some sort of harm.