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When you foresee something and it happens, some people call it dejávu, others may call it prophecy. Depends on your forté

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Q: What does it mean when you dream something and it actually happens and you see a bright light in your dream?
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What if you dream about something that keeps happening to you in the dream and then it happens exactly that way?

Well gosh if that's you GET HELP or do something you cant dream of.

What is the definition of a dream come true?

A dream come true refers to the realization or fulfillment of a long-held aspiration or desire. It is when something hoped for or wished for deeply actually happens, leading to a sense of immense happiness and satisfaction.

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It means that you actually had something like that in the past...

What happens if you dream a family member is pregnant?

Nothing at all will happen. Dreaming something does not make it so.

I had a dream about something that i Never Seen or touched or associated with and my dream was right what does this mean like im psyicic?

yes, if it happens again. otherwise it was just a crazy coincidence?

What does it mean when you dream about something and it comes true. My dreams arent like deja Vu. ill dream of some random event. I wont remember it but when it happens i do. Can someone answer?

What you are describing is deja vu, precisely because you say "I won't remember it but when it happens I do." That is not a description of a prophetic dream but a description of deja vu. A dream that "comes true" is a dream that you remember when you wake up from the dream. You would be able to describe that dream to another person and/or record it on tape or in a written journal. Then some time later the event seen in the dream actually would occur. The phenomenon you describe, in which you only seem to remember the dream AFTER the event occurs, is the trick of the mind called deja vu.

What does it mean to dream of a bright white light?

There are too many possibilities to guess at a single interpretation. Much depends on the context in which the light is seen in the dream, on your emotions during the dream, and on other factors. The image of a "bright white life" could refer to eternal life and the destiny of the soul beyond death, or to something as mundane as a lamp left burning in your bedroom that disturbs your sleep.

What does it mean when you have a dream and every time you think about it something bad happens?

The only "meaning" might be that the dreamer is trying very hard to find connections between the dream and real life. "Something bad" happens to someone, somewhere, all the time. It is not necessary to relate normal occurrences to dreams.

Is it normal to dream something and then the next day it actually happens?

It seems to happen to everyone once then never happen again. It isn't exactly normal and i find it freaky. If it happens again i suggest you start a dream journal. it happened to me today but its normal for me it happens everyday...I probrobly do need to start a dram journal

Can you die if you and your boyfriend get off at the same time?

No, that is actually something couples dream of doing. It's perfectly safe.

When you have a lucid dream you cant snap ot of it is this normal?

By definition, a lucid dream is a dream in which the dreamer not only is aware of dreaming but also has conscious control of the dream. If one cannot stop or alter the course of the dream, one is not actually in a lucid dream. The question describes an ordinary, normal dream in which one happens to know one is dreaming.

What does it mean when you stall and you actually see something that is going to happen?

A premonition is when you get this really strong feeling something , usualy something not so good is about to happen. Y ou may also dream of this situation and then it happen right in front of you. It is possible during a premonition you may feel or see the situation unfolding just before it happens.