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Dreams happen when your brain is functionating on minimal activity so what people mostly dream about are things that are bothering them or things that are on their mind. Maybe you really like him and want to make a good impression on him and you are trying to learn more about him by trying to figure out what he likes.(I'm just making a prediction because I don't know what really went on in the dream) I wish I knew a little more about this dream so I can help you out better. Maybe if he/she was an enemy, you would have had that dream because this person bothers you. i hope I helped.

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Q: What does it mean when you dream that your teacher lived with you for a day please someone who knows a lot about dreams?
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Not necessarily. Your dreams are normally a manifestation of what you has been on your mind. If that someone hasn't been thinking of you, s/he will not dream of you even if you dream of them.

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We cannot control our dreams, and therefore have no control over whether or not we can 'kill' someone in our dreams.

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Sexual dreams can mean that you are thinking of someone. Sexual dream can also mean nothing other than a dream.

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If the dreamer actually killed someone in real life, then dreams about that person, the dream suggests feelings of guilt and remorse. If the dreamer only dreams of killing someone, the dream suggests anger with that person.

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Dreams are just dreams, they have no real world relevance.

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Your dreams are always about your own life. So the "someone" in this dream represents yourself, and the dream is about your own guilt or anxiety.

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No. Dreams are caused by functions in the brain when you sleep. If you dream of somebody, it probably means you did something recently with them.

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It means that your dreams are expressing your own superstitious fears about omens and dreams. You could be reassured by learning more about dreams from reliable sources, and give less weight to foolish folktales. Please see the attached links.

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Each dream is about the dreamer. In any other person's dream, "you" are an image that represents the dreamer in some way. So if someone dreams that you are pregnant, that dream reflects something about that dreamer, not about you.

What does it mean to have a sexual dream about a teacher?

A teacher represents an authority figure in your life, someone whose job is to guide you and educate you. If you have a sexual dream about your teacher, it does not mean you are in love with your teacher or that you should have an intimate relationship with your teacher. Sexual dreams are very common among both teenagers and adults and they usually don't mean much of anything, because anyone can be physically attracted to anyone. If your dream about your teacher was not sexual or romantic, then you have to think about what that person represents to you, in order to interpret the dream symbolically.

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It is impossible to provide a reliable interpretation without actual information about the dreams themselves. Very generally, it does not seem that the dream is trying to tell the dreamer anything in particular. The "someone" appearing in the dreams might represent something that is constantly in the dreamer's thoughts. The dream provides no information about that "someone's" feelings, thoughts or condition.

Death translation in dream in Islam?

if you dream of someone that is alive and is dead in your dream then that mean that that the person will have a long life