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That is a keloid scar. A keloid is a growth of extra scar tissue where the skin has healed after an injury. It's not an emergency/medical issue; it's just more of an aesthetics thing.

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Q: What does it mean when you get a bubble next to a industrial piercing?
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Yes, I believe student loans are becoming the next economic bubble.

What does it mean when a bump occurs next to the pierced hole in your nose?

Well it's called a "Hypertrophic Reaction". It's a reaction to the cleaner you are using on your piercing, this can be facial scrubs, cleaners, soaps and what ever else you are using on your face in the area of the piercing. Flush the piercing out daily under running water while moving the jewellery to rinse the stuff out of the piercing. Don't use any cleaners or scrubs in the area of the piercing. The flushing daily will allow the piercing to settle down over the next few days.

What is the piercing called right next to your ear?

most likely the tragus piercing. but that's still on the ear.

Is it normal to have bump next to a closed tongue piercing?

No Having any form of lump or bump next to a closed piercing indicates there is some form of issue with the piercing. This also depends on how long the jewellery has been out of the piercing and how long you had the piercing before removing the jewellery. If you develop any pain or discomfort seek the assistance of your doctor.

What do you do about the lump next to your industrial piercing apparently olive oil and garlic fix it but is it serious is it advised to take out your bar its been in 2 months WHAT TO DO?

Ask your doctor, not a website. If it's been two months you need help.

How a nose piercing look the day after?

A nostril piercing will look like a nostril piercing the next day, there may be some light redness but this will ease off during the healing period.

You have passed level 1 on nights journey of dreams What is next?

After the bird level, if so . The my dream will open, next the bubble game with owl and Nights is next in Nightopia, push the bubles togather to make a big bubble to beat owls

Next to my 6 year old earring is a bubble of blood that keeps bursting..i use earring cleanser 2 time a day but it wont seem to go do i heal this?

Well I would quit using the cleaner you are using and I would change the jewellery to a captive bead ring (available at any good body piercing studio). Once the ring is in the piercing rotate it under running water while showering and rinse the piercing daily (again in the shower). Don't use anything on the piercing, no cleaners, agents, just lathered and diluted antibacterial liquid soap and rinse with plenty of water daily. Watch hair sprays, conditioners and other hair treatment don't get onto or in the piercing. The bubble you have should start to dry up in about 48~72 hours following these simple instructions.

Does a smiley piercing hurt?

All piercings hurt to some point, but in the hands of a professional body piercer the piercing is simple and next to painless.

Where is the Industrial Zone in Scarface The World Is Yours?

it is next to downtown just take the highway next to the marina storehouse soon it will say industrial zone