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it means you been playing to many Video Games buddy(; get a life:D

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Dreams about violence or harm towards others often symbolize deep-seated emotions like anger or frustration. It could represent a desire to assert control or power in a situation or to eliminate something threatening in your life. It's important to reflect on any recent events or emotions that may have triggered such a dream.

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Q: What does it mean when you have a dream about chopping someones head off?
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What do dreams about death mean?

When you dream of death it usually means that you have gone to sleep worrying about something and hardly ever a bad sign or omen.If you are about to die in your dream it can signify a mild illness or health issue coming your way.If you dream of your own death happening it usually signifies quite the opposite such as good health after an illness or a financial gain,it may also mean that you get close to someone whom you are attracted to especially if you have known each other for a long time.

What does it mean to dream about news of death?

Dreaming about news of death can symbolize feelings of loss, change, or fear in your waking life. It may suggest a need to confront your emotions surrounding mortality, or process grief or endings that you are experiencing. Pay attention to the specific details in the dream to gain a better understanding of the message it is trying to convey.

What does it mean when you dream about a close relatives death?

Dreams about a close relative's death can symbolize feelings of loss, change, or fear of losing them. It may reflect unresolved emotions or a need for closure in your waking life. Consider exploring your feelings and communication with that relative.

What does it mean when you dream of your own death?

Dreaming of your own death can symbolize the end of a certain aspect of your life or the beginning of a new chapter. It may also represent feelings of change, transition, or transformation in your waking life. Remember, dreams are often symbolic and should not be taken literally.

What is the mean of afani?

"Afani" does not have a recognized meaning in English or any specific mathematical context for calculating a mean. It is not possible to determine the mean of something without knowing what it represents or refers to.

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That would depend entirely on the context of the dream.

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It was probably from a dream you couldn't remember. If you are sure you didn't dream about anything, then sleep-talking is always possible.

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What does it mean to cut of someones hands in a dream?

The dream is about yourself, and you are the person who feels AS IF there hands have been cut off. This is a metaphor, illustrating your feeling of being made helpless and ineffectual.

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That person probably needs a haircut and a comb.

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When any gender puts bunny ears behind someone's head it means they want to have highly romantic socializing

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It doesnt mean anything its just a dream. Everyone has crazy dreams its all in your head. You dream this cause your worried someones going to steal the one you love. It's entirely possible you have trust issues from previous relationships or home life .

What does it mean to talk above someones head?

i means that the person is not smart enough or knowlegable enough in the subject matter to know what you are talking about...

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