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The most likely interpretation is that this is a wish-fulfillment dream of a guy who would like to get to know a girl. Alternatively, the girl symbolizes a neglected or suppressed part of the dreamer's personality that is about to become active in the dreamer's life. It could be one of many different things, from creativity to a new interest to blossoming sexuality.

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Q: What does it mean when you have a dream and a girl appears and says you will know me soon?
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This only means you are thinking about him/her! If you like him/her.... GO FOR IT!

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Dreams do not mean anything. They are random firings of neurons in the brain.As this is the Dreams and Dream interpretation category, the following answer will address the question.The question appears to ask about a dream in which the dreamer is the boyfriend of a girl who is the "crush" of the dreamer's friend. If that is the case, then the dream suggests that the dreamer admires the girl, or at least respects his friend's choices. The dream does NOT indicate that the girl has any attraction to the dreamer, and it does not mean that either young man will have an actual relationship with the girl in the future.

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I think it means that you are thinking of that girl so much, you dream of her.

What does it mean when you dream about a girl you kinda like?

Well it doesn't actually mean anything. I'm desperately in love with a girl but hardly ever dream about her. Yet I still know I love her.( I'm a 17 btw) so it doesn't mean anything. That just means that your brain thinks about the girl.

What does it mean when I say I Love you in a dream to a girl I don't know but I feel like I have known for a long time?

your dream is trying to tell you your future love story.

What does it mean when a girl has a dream that she is attracted to someone in her class?

It's just a dream, if you want to know whether you're attracted to someone in your class then ask yourself.

When you have a dream about the girl you love does that mean they will have a dream about you as well?

well it depends, just because you have a dream about her dnt mean she will bout u

What does it mean when you suddenly think of someone walking towards you Like just suddenly out of nowhere Btw this person was a girl I kinda like?

It is perfectly normal to dream about persons or things that are thought of frequently. This dream appears to express the dreamer's affection for the girl. It has no other significance and does not indicate anything about the girl's feelings toward the dreamer.

What does it mean when you dream about a girl who intuit dream doesn't like you?

she realy likes you