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Q: What does it mean when you have dreams about demons?
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Related questions

When was the last time Satans demons were seen?

In dreams, movies, and imagination.

What does it mean when you dream about demons taking over your town?

Dreams use metaphors to represent reality, so the "demons" in the dream are symbols for individuals or organizations of some sort, that are perceived as having a harmful influence. The "town" probably represents the dreamer's self or family.

Are dream demons evil?

The majority of Dream Demons are Neutral, and to consider them evil because one cannot comprehend the dreams they guide us through, or the conversations in the dreams are filled with doom, is a wrong but common misconception. Zephurs once explained this to me in a way that allows me to convey the answer to you.

What does your dream mean when a demon is after you?

Demons are imaginary creatures that personify the concept of evil. Dreams can use images of demons to represent evil forces, disease or enemies of the dreamer. If the dreamer perceives demons when not asleep, that person should seek immediate assistance from a medical professional or experienced clergy.

What does demonios mean in spanish?

it means demons

What does unos suenos mean?

"Unos sueños" is Spanish for "some dreams" or "a few dreams."

What does the word 'bogyphobia' mean?

Bogyphobia - fear of demons

What do demon Wings mean?

Wings that are attached to demons.

What do dreams mean when they are in color?

I don't know. All of my dreams are in color so maybe everyone's dreams are different and don't mean anything special.

Are there good demons?

i think you got demons and ghost confused.Demons are always bad and never have good in them but ghosts have good in them or there just mean

If God doesn't exist does that mean demons doesn't exist as well?

According to the Christian teachings both God and the demons do exist.

Why do demons act you in your sleep?

Demons are often associated with nightmares or disturbing dreams in various cultural beliefs and folklore. The experience of feeling attacked by demons in your sleep may be a manifestation of fear, stress, or other psychological factors influencing your dreams. It is not a literal attack but a reflection of inner fears or anxieties.