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This can be caused by irritation, vaginosis; which is a bacterial infection or vaginitis; also called a yeast infection.

Another cause can be trichomoniasis although many women get no symptoms from trichomoniasis it can cause a yellow, green, or gray vaginal discharge (often foamy) with a strong odor.

Bacterial Vaginosis can cause a strong odor and discharge, The discharge is usually thin, grayish white and is described as a "fishy" odor.

Vaginitis or yeast can cause a thin to thick white, wet discharge that is itchy or dry clumps internally, that causes the irritation, there is usually no foul odor with yeast.

All of these can also cause discomfort during sex and when urinating, irritation and itching in the genital area.

Trichomoniasis can usually be cured with the prescription drug, Flagyl or tinidazole.

Bacterial vaginosis treatment can be oral Flagyl, Metrogel, a vaginal gel or Cleocin, a vaginal cream.

Miconazole nitrate cream 2% (AKA Monastat OTC) cures yeast infection but does not stop the source which leads to reinfection.

Vinegar and water douche can reduce the irritation from yeast, when used along with live lactobacillus - acidophilus tablets, twice a day - should solve the problem. This reduces the over-growth of candida in the gut, to prevent reinfection. Use only when infection is present, garlic tabs can be used daily to prevent re-growth.

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14y ago

You might have a yeast infection.

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Lemon can not cure vaginal itching and should not be inside a vagina. It causes irritation. You need to see a doctor to find out WHY it itches and then they can give you the cure.

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That was the worst answer ever, but do not worry i have the same one on my lip and it REALLY ITCHES. try putting ice on it. it might be a mosquito bite or maybe a cold sore. if it gets worse i would see a doctor.

Why do girls get discharge?

most girls get it cause they are on they way to their period and it also can be if someone have already had their period it can be old blood and if it itches your vagina it can be an infection hoped i helped you if it is a brownish color it can mean you have std.

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My Grandmother always said if your nose itches "You're going to kiss a fool."

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you will win the lottory

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because of toxins in your body

Where is the woman?

inside of the vagina

What does it mean if your nipples itches?

It means its time for you to take a shower