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Your subconscious mind is using this dream to show you your own deeper emotions. This does NOT mean that you desire this person in a romantic or sexual manner, but that your "hate" is a byproduct of your caring for this person. Hate is very closely related to love, while the opposite of love is indifference.

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Q: What does it mean when you love someone in a dream when you hate them in real life?
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What does it mean to have a romantic love dream about someone you hate?

Love and hate are more closely related than commonly understood. The opposite of love is indifference. You must care about someone quite intensely in order to hate them. The dream is showing you that you need to examine your own emotions and figure out why you have such intense feelings regarding this person.

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Someone might hate you because of how must they love you so dont be dumb and ignore them or it.

Can you have a romantic relationship with someone you're in love with but hate them at the same time?

You can have a good fling baby, but lets face it if you hate them you don't love them and don't want to be in a serious thing with them. Find someone better. Don't mistake romance and attraction for love. If you're in a relationship with someone you hate, it's for an entirely different reason. It would be wise to find out why you would do that or you could end up in a string of relationships with people you hate and life is much too short.

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absolutely.... you have to hate someone to learn to know learn to like them.... then finally you learn to love them