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seeing lines and dots in your vision

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Q: What does it mean when you see lines in your vision?
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Please see a doctor! Franciela Pedroso

What does 20 100 vision mean?

20/100 Vision would mean that the average person can see clearly at 100 feet you must be 20 feet away to see the object clearly.

What does it mean if you dream about ghost but after the dream you see them?

it means you had a vision that u would see a ghost

Do you need glasses for double vision?

No,You dont need glasses for double vision.

What does 20 20 vision mean?

It means seeing at 20 feet what a person with normal vision sees at 20 feet. A person who has 20/40 vision can see at 20 feet what the person with normal vision sees at 40 feet, etc. Some people have better than 20/20 vision.

What does 20 25 vision mean?

It means that a person needs to be within 20 feet to clearly see what someone with "normal" (20/20) perfect vision can clearly see at 25 feet. It's good but not perfect vision

What does technology mean to astronomer?

As technology improves, the astronomer gains more precise vision, and much more vision. The things that Galileo could see were a pittance when compared to what we can see now.

What do you mean by the term' field of vision'?

The area that you can see without moving your head or your eyes.

What does 20-25 Vision Mean?

It means you have pretty close to perfect vision as 20/20 is considered perfect. Simply put, most people see at 25 feet what you see at 20.

What do the numbers 20 in 20 20 vision mean?

To the general public, 20/20 vision means that you can see at 20 feet what an average person should be able to see at 20 feet. If you had 20/100 vision, it would mean you would have to be 20 feet away from something to see it whereas other people would generally be able to see that same object from 100 feet away. You would have VERY POOR vision. If you had 20/5 vision, it would mean you would see from 20 feet away those objects which people would generally have to be within 5 feet of to see clearly. You would have EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD vision. So the numerator (top number) is how far away YOU are standing to see clearly. The denominator (bottom number) is how far away the AVERAGE PERSON would need to stand to see clearly.

What does it mean to see a women wearing blue in a vision?

that your brain just misfired and you hallucinated something...