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Depends on if you are a girl or boy. If girl, you probably want to "Play naked twister" with a famous golfer whom you have your eye on

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Q: What does it mean when you see naked people playing golf in your dream?
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How do you delete people on the world tour golf game?

Playing too hard

How many people can play golf?

Any number of people up to 4 can play in one playing group

How long has tiger wood sbeen playing golf?

He has been playing golf for 30 years

What are Jonas brothers hobbies?

playing Golf and hanging out with family

What is the probability that 128 or fewer people have never played golf?

As there are millions of people who have no access to golf and millions more who are not physically capable of playing golf (through age, infirmity, parplegia, quadrapegia) etc. it is certain that the probability that 128 (or less) people have never played, or will ever play, golf - so a probability of 1.

Can you share golf clubs when playing golf together?


What type of people would enjoy golf ball gifts?

Those who enjoy playing golf or enjoy watching golf would enjoy golf ball gifts. Men would probably enjoy golf balls as a gift more than a woman would.

What main different between playing tennis and playing golf?

you use a racket and you use a glove for golf

What level is intensity is playing golf while pulling or carrying a Set of clubs?

The level of intensity of playing Golf while pulling or carrying a set of golf clubs would be moderate intensity.

What does it mean if you dream fighting a tiger?

Start practising golf

How many people over fifty years of age stop playing golf each year?


How many people die each year playing golf?

the average year about 900 people die playing golf. The most common cause is when someone hits the ball and it goes down your throat, hitting theesophagus, sadly, its quite a relevant issue and needs to be adressed.