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That there is usually and illness or sickness around that is contagious. It means to stay away.

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Q: What does it mean when you see white butterflies every?
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What are those white butterflies that you see flying everywhere?

It depends upon where you live. In many parts of the world, the white butterflies flying around are Cabbage White butterflies. In southern Florida, it would be the Great Southern White butterfly. Another white butterfly species that flies around the sides of the road in the US are Checkered White butterflies.

What are superstitions about butterflies?

- Three butterflies together is a sign of good luck. - If the first butterfly you see in a year is white, you will have good luck throughout the year.

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What do butterflies mean spiritually?

Moths and butterflies traditionally symbolize elegance and good luck. If you see them, it means you may experience some spiritual luck.

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When do we most see butterflies?

in spring

Do moths or butterflies live longer?

well, as you can see moths die quickly and u dont see alot of them. which means they die early. here where i live are lots of butterflies and no moths. butterflies stay as a caterpillar for a longer period of time, longer than moths. and then when they transform into butterflies they also live longer than moths. i hope this helps. i mean i am a proffesional zoo keeper and here we have lots of butterflies roaming around. Please use this answer wisely and respect it.

What does it mean when you dream of monarch butterflies?

Dreaming of monarch butterflies signifies troubling times ahead for you. But, like the beautiful butterfly, you will emerge from the cocoon of troubles and see great rewards. Dreaming of monarch butterflies shows you that you have the strength to make it through anything that comes your way and persevere.

What does it mean when you see butterflies and it reminds you of someone who past away?

Well there is a saying. "Butterflies are Forever." It means you believe in superstition. Why put meaning when there is none? Butterflies are often associated with those who have passed. If you thought of the person when you saw the butterfly they may be sending you a "happy" or "joyful" sign.

Can you shake from getting butterflies?

If there is an actual physical result from "butterflies" you should really see a doctor.

Does a black and white butterfly symbolize something specific?

Black & white butterflies do not have a specific meaning as omens. If however you see them in dreams they may have meaning. That meaning will have to do with other things happening in and around the dream.