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If you are asking what it means when someone eats and then makes them self throw up; it means they have an eating disorder called bulimia.

Some people with bulimia binge eat very large amounts of unhealthy food, then they purge to prevent weight gain by self-induced vomiting. Some use fasting and excessive exercise; then when they must eat to cover up their disorder they will vomit or misuse laxatives.

Purging type bulimics self-induce vomiting to rapidly remove food from the body before it can be digested, or use laxatives, diuretics, or enemas.

Non-purging type bulimics (approximately 6%-8% of cases) exercise or fast excessively after a binge to offset the caloric intake after eating. Purging-type bulimics may also exercise or fast, but as a secondary form of weight control.

Bulimia nervosa can be difficult to detect, compared to anorexia nervosa, because bulimics tend to be of average or slightly above or below average weight. Many bulimics may also engage in significantly disordered eating and exercising patterns without meeting the full diagnostic criteria for bulimia nervosa. It usually starts between 12 and 20 years of age.

Bulimics often suffer from depression or general anxiety disorder. People with binge eating disorder are usually very upset by their binge eating and may become more depressed. Research has shown that people with binge eating disorder report more health problems, stress, trouble sleeping, and suicidal thoughts than people without an eating disorder. People with binge eating disorder often feel badly about themselves and may miss work, school, or social activities to binge eat.

Purging causes severe dental disease when the acids from vomiting constantly, eats the enamel off their teeth. Another severe problem is electrolyte imbalance when someone stops eating or overuses enemas and diuretics may lead to low levels of sodium, potassium, and magnesium.

If you want to help someone with bulimia, you can monitoring the person's behavior and help them eat a healthy diet in a healthy manner. Offer encouragement to help them stay in treatment. People with bulimia who are treated early have a better chance of recovering than those who have the disease for years before treatment begins.

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Q: What does it mean when you throw up food after you eat?
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Why do I throw up after i eat?

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because your body needs food to be able to function so its not going to throw it up it needs the protein

What does it mean when you throw up after you eat?

If it happens naturally, then it means the food was either bad (rotten, spoiled, contamininated, ect.), you had a reaction to it, or - if you forced yourself to throw up - you have an eating disorder known as bulimia.

If you exercise eat right and only throw up junk food will you still get bad side effects?

If by "only throw up junk food" you mean purging then yes there can be serious side effects if you throw up[puke] after eating junk food just to get rid of the calories you should know that you are still gaining the calories and losing the nutrients so just eat right[by that i mean follow the food prymid and have the right amount of servings of each food group] and exricse and you wll stay healthy. there have been people who have died from belemiua so just dont eat junk food because when you throw up you loose all of the nutrents of everything you ate before that not just the junk food

Do you have an eating disorder if you only throw up unhealthy food?

No, it you throw up the food, it does not matter if it is healthy or not. You eat anything and then throw it up to lose weight. But do not do it, it can lead to serious health issues later in life.

What does belemic mean?

The word bulimic means to eat and purge. The word is used to describe an eating disorder where people eat large amounts of food and throw it up.

If you eat avocado with milk do you throw up?

No exactly, no. While that's not an appetizing or "normal" food combination, it won't exactly make you throw up.

When you are bulimic do you force yourself to be sick or are you just being sick after everything you eat?

Bulimics force themselves to purge or throw up the food after they eat. It is not just a bad reaction to food that makes them get sick (like an allergy or food poisoning), they purposefully throw up.

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Is vomit edible?

Yes, it is. Vomit is just chewed up food from your stomach. But that does not mean you should eat it because it would probably taste gross! Many animals eat their own, or their parents, throw-up to survive.

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Too be honest it is best not to throw up at all but you would need to vomit all of the food back up (do not recommend this) but remember food is compacted when you chew and swallow so a small amount of vomit could be a size-able meal

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